Thursday, January 6, 2011

Work Emails

We had a meeting last month and our supervisors reminded us that any emails we sent was equivalent to us speaking for the company, so we should not put anything in an email that we wouldn't want to see on the front page of a newspaper.  I'm never going to be important enough to be on the front page of a newspaper [unless I'm the first victim of a zombie attack, but I digress], so I've continued to send emails like normal.

Here's a shining example of my email correspondance:
From: Me
Sent: Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 12:00 pm
To: Lori
Re:  XXX's lecture

Dear Lori,
This is the PowerPoint for xxx's lecture for tomorrow ... I won't be here to assist you, so you may want to bring the lecture on a flash drive :)

From: Lori
Sent: Wed, Jan 5, 2001 at 12:31 pm
To: Me
Re: XXX's lecture

Ummm ..... I am very confused!! Are we having the meeting at <insert name of my employer here>?? No one ever officially got back to me about the availability.  Please clarify.  Thanks <Zombie Octopus>!  I hope you had a happy holiday!

From: Me
Sent: Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 1:13 pm
To: Lori
Re: XXX lecture

So am I!  I have no idea where the meeting is ... I can't see the room scheduling calendar because I'm way too low on the totem pole and my voodoo spells aren't working [though I do now have a cramp in my left calf which may or may not be related to the voodoo spell attempt, but whatever].

No seriously, I really don't know if they booked you guys a room.  <Enter name of administrative assistant who earns almost as much as I do, even though I run two departments, here> is the queen of the room booking calendar.  I wonder if that title comes with a crown, or if she just gets a crummy "Calendar Queen" type sash.  Bet you it just comes with more work.  Bummer.

I always have a good holiday!  Especially since mine was filled with zombies and octopuses.  Don't be jealous.  Hope yours was filled with giggles and gifts [if you got any voodoo dolls for the holidays, I can totally teach you how they work - but only if you want a leg cramp spell activated.  Haven't read up on the "turn your boss/co-worker into a zombie" spell yet.  Will let you know when I've perfected that].
Interestingly enough, there was no response to that last one.  Come to think of it, "Zombie Voodoo Spells at Work" would be a great title for a front page article of a newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. It sucks how companies try to take all the fun out of work. Next meeting you should just raise your hand and ask, "wouldn't being on the front page just be free advertising?".
